jueves, 4 de enero de 2007

11th grade 2006 lesson plans

IB Biology: Grade 11

Topic: IB Lab: the Microscope


- Understand the IB format of lab preparation.
- To complete the first lab of the IB program.
- Describe the parts of the light microscope and its use.
- Learn to prepare a wet mount slide.


- Safety in the lab.
- Parts of the light microscope.
- Observing a prepared slide.

Topic: Chemical Basis of Biology


- Understand the properties and importance of water in living organisms.
- Describe the organic molecules.
- Learn the structural organization and main functions of carbohydrates, lipids, enzymes, proteins and nucleic acids.


- Water: Ways of bonding, properties.
- Carbohydrates: Sugars and Starches.
- Lipids: Structures and Functions in the cells and organisms.
- Proteins: Levels of organization.
- Nucleotides and Nucleic Acids: Functions, Information molecules.
- DNA.
- RNA.

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