jueves, 4 de enero de 2007

12th grade 2006 lesson plans

IB Biology: Grade 12

Topic: Digestion and Human Nutrition


- Explain the importance of nutrients in human diet.
- Discuss the characteristics of the main molecules present in food (water, carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, vitamins, and enzymes.
- Describe the organs and functions of the digestive system.
- Distinguish between absorption and assimilation.


- Water, minerals, carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, enzymes.
- The process of digestion. Anatomy and physiology of the digestive system.

Topic: Respiration and gas exchange


- Understand the control mechanisms of respiration and the functions of the organs involved.
- Discuss the phases of respiration and remark the differences between cellular respiration and gas exchange.
- Distinguish the different kinds of respiratory surfaces in kingdom Animalia.
- Explain the Human Respiratory System and the mechanism of gas exchange in the alveoli.


- Nasal passage, pharynx, larynx, trachea, lungs, bronchi, alveoli.
- The process of respiration. Anatomy and physiology of the respiratory system. A brief comparison among different phylum in Animalia kingdom.

Topic: Respiration and Circulation


- Understand the control mechanisms of respiration and circulation.
- State the process of diffusion between alveolar chambers and blood.
- To get familiar with the diffusion between blood and cells.


- Diffusion between alveolar chambers and blood
- Diffusion between blood and cells
- Bulk flow of O2
- The process of respiration. Control of respiration,
- Open and closed circulatory systems

Topic: Circulatory System


- Understand the control mechanisms of the heart in blood circulation.
- State the process that are carried out in the circulatory system.
- To get familiar with the transport systems through veins and arteries.


- The process of circulation. Control of circulation.
- Open and closed circulatory systems.
- Systemic and pulmonary circulation.

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