sábado, 13 de enero de 2007

7th grade Rain Forest assignment

Life Science 7th Grade
Understanding Animals of the Rain Forest

7th grade needs to articulate everything they already learned last semester.

We will have a corner in our lab dedicated to the: “Amazon Rainforest”.

You need to pick one animal of each class that lives in the amazon rainforest: (fish, amphibian, reptile, bird and mammal).

Describe the animal’s important features, habitat, behaviour, special adaptations, eating habits, circulatory system (notize the evolution of the heart from fish to mammals)

Since we have been studying Human Biology, you will compare all the systems we studied (digestive, respiratory, excretory, nervous and circulatory) with the mammal’s you picked.

In class we will put together all the animals that you studied and you will make presentations for your classmates and some special guests.

This website will help you pick your mammal


Good luck

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